Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Help Wanted!

There is an immediate opening for someone who thinks that they can
CLEAN up after

and TAME the wild hair of

this sweet little boy!
A cosmetology degree is not required, but any experience with BED HEAD will help! The pay will be lots of hugs and kisses and non-stop entertainment all day from the little guy! And when your done, bring him to me so that I can snuggle and cuddle with him. Only serious inquiries please!
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Kristen said...

This cracks me up!!! I've got nothing for ya on that cleaning up after part. I feel like I need to mop the floor after each meal Paige eats as well as give her a good soak in the tub. (I don't, but I should!!!) As for the bedhead, Merry Grace had it too and the only thing that would work was wetting it down. Oh, I'm so glad we passed that phase. :) Thanks goodness for those hugs and kisses, though, because those other things are a lot of work!

Carolina girl said...

He's so stinkin cute, bed head and all!